sunking, SMUG

sunking, SMUG

ANTI- Records, November 2022 BY ANDREW LUTHRINGER Keyboardist Antoine Martel and drummer Bobby Granfelt had a busy 2022. Their eclectic groove ensemble High Pulp released a superb album, Pursuit of Ends, and a mere two months later, while navigating an extensive...
Scenes, Variable Clouds: Live at the Earshot Jazz Festival

Scenes, Variable Clouds: Live at the Earshot Jazz Festival

Origin Records, November 2022 BY PAUL RAUCH The Northwest trio/quartet Scenes dates back twelve years or so prior to their 2001 album debut. Over the years, the band became a trio featuring guitarist John Stowell, bassist Jeff Johnson, and drummer John Bishop due to...
Peter Adams, Refuge

Peter Adams, Refuge

Self-released, May 2022 BY ANDREW LUTHRINGER The pandemic brought struggles of all kinds to people across the globe. Musicians were hard hit not only by lost revenue but by missed opportunities to engage in the face-to-face communication and ensemble camaraderie that...
Steve Peters, With My Back to the World

Steve Peters, With My Back to the World

New Deal Films, April 2022 BY MATTHEW ADKINS Rarely has so little sounded like so much as in Steven Peters’ soundtrack to the Agnes Martin documentary, Agnes Martin: With My Back to the World. Martin, a painter who made her home in the Southwest, drew inspiration from...
Sheridan Riley, Participant

Sheridan Riley, Participant

Self-released, May 2022 BY MATTHEW ADKINS There’s a great little book for artists or aspiring artists—Steal Like an Artist (2012) by Austin Kleon—that makes the point that if you imitate enough people for long enough, eventually what you produce as an artist becomes...